Our Alpine Spa

Our spa hotel in
Campo Tures

Sauna. Swimming pool. Peace of mind.

Sauna. Swimming pool. Peace of mind. No mill without water. The water from the crystal clear mountain stream that makes its way down from the heights of the Venediger Group has always played a major role here in Campo Tures. Not only as a driving force for the millstones but it's also a bubbling elixir of life, a source of relaxation. Everything that is good for body and soul comes together in our Mühlbadl. Water. Warmth. Silence. Precious old wood and raw slate create a backdrop that makes it easy to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Treat yourself to a relaxing time in our sauna area, the swimming pool and in the Alpine spa.

Immerse yourself

Your swimming pool in Valle Aurina

How do you like water best? Sparkling or still. Either way, you’ll be in your element in our Mühlbadl. Relax in our whirlpool, the counter-current system and the wonderfully cosy atmosphere where you can put your feet up after an active day in Valle Aurina. Our swimming pool is open daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Herrlich heiß - unsere Saunas

Feinste Essenzen aus der Südtiroler Bergnatur und die Erfahrung unserer Beauty- und Wellnessexperten verschmelzen in unserem Hotel im Ahrntal zu einer wohltuenden Hommage an eure Schönheit. Denn die kommt bekanntlich von innen. Täglich von 14.00 bis 19.00 Uhr.

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Wohlfühlen - Wellnessanwendungen

Feinste Essenzen aus der Südtiroler Bergnatur und die Erfahrung unserer Beauty- und Wellnessexperten verschmelzen in unserem Hotel im Ahrntal zu einer wohltuenden Hommage an eure Schönheit. Denn die kommt bekanntlich von innen.

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